Utah Veteran Employment Tax Credit
The Utah Veteran Employment Tax Credit is for employers who hire qualified veterans. The credit is separate from the Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit available to an employer who hires a veteran, especially one who is disabled. The federal and state tax credits can be combined if the veteran meets the eligibility criteria.
Qualified Veteran
- Must be a recently deployed veteran who was:
- Mobilized to federal military service in an active or reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces
- Received honorable or general discharge within 2 years prior to the employment start date
- Must be employed on or after January 1, 2012
- Must be collecting or eligible to collect Unemployment Insurance benefits or have exhausted UI benefits within the past two years
- Must work at least 35 hours per week for no less than 45 out of the past 52 weeks after the employment start date
Credit Amount
For each veteran hired, the tax credit begins at $200 per month the first year, not to exceed $2,400 per year, and increases the second year to $400 per month, not to exceed $4,800 per year. Credit Example (PDF)

How To Apply
If you have a veteran meeting these criteria, please send a release on company letterhead including the veteran's name, social security number, date of birth, signature, the DD214 and the employer's return information to:
Department of Workforce Services
Unemployment Insurance
140 East 300 South
P.O. Box 45288
Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0288