Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is a five-day workshop designed to help you make good decisions as you move from your military service to civilian life. The program was developed to help you transfer your military experience to a civilian job or career.

Day 1: Military Occupational Crosswalk and financial briefings

Day 2: VA briefings on education, health and other benefits

Days 3-5: Six-part program to prepare you for employment, including:

  1. Personal Appraisal - You analyze your skills and experience (work and education), your likes and dislikes about work, and your work values and assess how these should affect your job search.
  2. Career Decisions - You identify your needs and goals and compare them with information about jobs in various industries and locations.
  3. Applying for the job - The skills necessary for conducting a successful job search are explained. You write your resume and a sample cover letter and begin taking steps to develop your network of contacts.
  4. The Interview - The interview process is explained along with the skills you need to survive and shine in a job interview.
  5. Job Offers - You learn ways to evaluate and respond to job offers.
  6. Support and Assistance - Your veterans' benefits are described, and sources of help are listed with suggestions on how to use them.

To reserve your space at the next workshop call:

Hill Air Force Base
Airman & Family Readiness Center
5837 D Avenue, Bldg 150
Hill A.F. Base, Utah 84056
Telephone: (801) 777-4681